You should be able to answer "yes" to most of these questions:

 1. I know I am lovable despite my shortcomings.
 2. I have self-discipline.
 3. I am honest.
 4. I am true to my values.
 5. I am responsible.
 6. I know myself - what my values are and what I want.
 7. I can talk about my feelings.
 8. I do not feel needy.
 9. I am not afraid of being single.
10. When I am alone I do not feel lonely.
11. I have an active, full life.
12. When I am in an intimate relationship I still have other interests.
13. I do nice things for myself as well as others.
14. I can receive as well as give.
15. I do creative things.
16. I do not compare myself to others.
17. I can stand up for myself.
18. I can say "no" when it is appropriate.
19. I am growing and making progress in my life.
20. I am contributing to the world.
21. I have surrounded myself with healthy people.
22. I feel connected to myself and the world.
23. I feel loved by many people.
24. I feel like a whole person.
25. I do not like rejection, but I can handle it.
26. I do not over-react to criticism by attacking or getting defensive.
27. I have processed most of my feelings about my dysfunctional childhood.
28. I am not angry all of the time about my past.
29. I do not feel guilty all the time about the mistakes I have made.
30. I can handle adversity without falling apart.
31. I can end an unhealthy relationship.
32. I can stick with a healthy relationship.
33. I do not feel suicidal when relationships end.
34. I have some stress-management techniques.
35. I feel good about myself.
36. I have balance in my life. I know how to find the middle ground.
37. I know what I want, but I am not addicted to getting it.
38. I have structure, but I am also flexible.
39. I have trustworthy people in my life.
40. I do not have to control everything and everybody in my life.
41. I have worked through my sexual hangups. I know what healthy sex is.
42. I can argue with someone without attacking them or give them the silent treatment.

From Addiction to Love by Susan Peabody
- adapted from LAA website by Susan Peabody