Are sex addiction and love addiction the same thing? No.
SEX addicts are addicted mainly to the sexual experience. Often, the goal is orgasm. Sometimes, emotional intimacy is not important. Many professionals believe that the preoccupation with sex is an attempt to avoid emotional intimacy by connecting with someone sexually.
LOVE addiction, like sex addiction, comes in many forms. Some love addicts obsess when they fall in love.Some love addicts get addicted to the euphoric effects of romance. Others cannot let go of a toxic relationship even if they are unhappy, depressed, lonely, neglected or in danger. Some love addicts are codependent and others are narcissistic. Some love addicts carry a torch for unavailable people. Some love addicts use sex to manage feelings; others are sexually anorexic. Love addicts crave an emotional connection and will avoid at any cost separation anxiety and loneliness.
Can you be both a sex addict and love addict? Yes. Lots of sex addicts are also love addicts and vice versa.
Therefore, all sex addicts and all sex and love addicts are very welcome at these meetings.
- adapted from LAA website by Susan Peabody