12 Step Program is a recovery recipe that always works 100% when applied 100%.

"It works when you work it."

To recover, love addicts must change how they think and behave.

These are the 12 essential RECOVERY TOOLS:

1.  ADMIT honestly that you are a love addict. (Step 1)


1.  Honestly ADMIT that you are a love addict. (Step 1)

2.  SOBRIETY - Define your own personal bottom-line addictive behaviour(s) and become willing to stop acting out on a daily basis.
Bottom line behaviors are all behaviors that endanger our sobriety,
such as staying in an unhealthy relationship or continuing contact with former partner from an unhealthy relationship.
In the case of addiction to a person, "no contact" is necessary.
Most common bottom line behaviour for love addicts is "no contact with former partner" or toxic relationship.
Addictive lover for a love addict is the same as alcohol for alcoholic, permanently excluded.
In Alcoholics Anonymous recommendation is to stop drinking, discard all alcohol from environment, stop buying alcohol, stop going to places where alcohol is available, etc.
In LAA it is recommended to start with "90 days abstinence = no contact" with all persons of romantically preferred gender.
For example, for heterosexuals that means no contact with people of opposite gender;
for homosexuals, no contact with those of the same gender, etc.
Exceptions are relatives or inevitable coworkers/clients.
No going to any kind of social events where they may be, like:
parties, dancing, bars, clubs, etc.,
No dating, no online dating, no blind dates, etc.
Also, included are former addictive partners or toxic, unhealthy relationships.
Some LAs choose to inform former addictive lovers that they will not be available any more for any kind of communication and ask them to discontinue contacting them in any way.
"No contact" means no contact in person, by phone, text, email, social media, etc., including viewing past communication or social media sites, viewing photos, etc., avoiding places where former addictive lover may be, etc.
Further more, blocking former addictive lover from communicating with us by phone, text, email, social media, etc.
Deleting all of their messages and communications, photos, etc.
Abstinence may seem like loss of freedom or restriction of freedom.
Actually, as addicts, we are enslaved to our addiction.
Since abstinence frees us from addiction,
abstinence actually leads us to freedom.
After 90 days abstinence, most LAs choose to have no-contact with former addictive lovers as their bottom line behaviour.
Addictive lover for a love addict is the same as alcohol for alcoholic: bottom line behaviour, permanently excluded.
When we are healthy enough, we are ready for healthy relationship and we are attracted to healthy people.

The purpose of abstinence is to remove all the "painkillers" or  the unhealthy coping mechanisms which we have invented to reduce our childhood pain of feeling unloved, hurt, not good enough, etc. and "facing our demons".
That will facilitate us feeling our suppressed pains fully and releasing the pains once they are fully felt.

Also, abstinence facilitates learning self love, while the unhealthy coping mechanisms are absent.

3.  MEETINGS - Attending all LAA meetings, plus as many other meetings as possible. Ideally 90 meetings in 90 days. Beside LAA meetings also: ACA, CODA, SLAA, EA, open AA meetings, AlAnon, Neurotics Anonymous, etc.

4.  SPONSORSHIP -  Get a sponsor or pair up with another recovering love addict. Preferably same gender for heterosexual people and opposite gender for homosexual people.

5.  STEPS - Practice the Twelve Step program of recovery to achieve emotional sobriety.

6.  SPIRITUALITY - develop a relationship with a power greater then ourselves, however we wish to define that power (our own higher self, our own intuition, our group, our God, etc.)

7.  SERVICE - Our giving back to the L.A.A. community what we continue to freely receive, helping with meetings, supporting other LAs, etc.

8. MEDITATION daily about 20 minutes

9. GRATITUDE - express gratitude for all you have today that you still wish to have tomorrow

10. SELF - LOVE - develop self love, for example using mirror work and our own childhood photos of ourselves


12. LITERATURE & VIDEOS on you tube etc.

As a sponsor, I personally work with people who:

1. are very dedicated to their healing and recovery and willing to invest equal amount of time and effort into their healing and recovery as they used to invest into their addiction, which is often search for parental love and trying to have our unmet childhood needs finally met.

2. abstain from their bottom line behaviour
(most commonly that means no contact with all former partners and toxic relationships)

3. attend all our LAA Toronto MEETINGS

4.  SPONSORSHIP - have excellent communication skills,
meaning they reply to all communications and questions from their sponsor

5. follow all recommendations, both 12 Step Program recommendations in general and sponsor's personal recommendations (which are developing and nurturing daily:
1. gratitude, 2. self love and 3. ability to comfort our inner child, etc.)

6. daily read LITERATURE recommended below

7. SERVICE - helping at meetings

8. MEDITATE daily

9. express GRATITUDE for everything you have today, that you still wish to have tomorrow

10. Spend few minutes per day doing following MIRROR WORK:

uninterrupted loving focused looking into our own eyes,
without gazing away, without analyzing facial features,
while expressing unconditional self-love and all you wish to have heard parents or partners or anybody else say now or in the past.
Since eyes are the windows of the soul, when we look into our eyes, we look into our soul.
When we talk and look into eyes, we speak straight to the soul.
There are lots of great videos about self love, etc. on YouTube.

Look into childhood photo and show and tell your inner child all it needed to hear and experience in childhood: love, comfort, compassion, etc.
When we feel lonely, for example, it's often suppressed childhood memory, rather than current feeling. Acknowledge that feeling, feel it fully without suppressing it or avoiding it or looking for comfort outside instead.


1. sobriety day is written in email’s subject. Example: “Day 1”
2. expressing how they are feeling
3. describing briefly what they are doing that day as expression of self love
4. stating how many minutes they did mirror work
5. stating how many minutes they meditated (20 minutes at least)
6. stating which LAA recommended literature they are reading or listening on YouTube

(GRATITUDE: at least 3 things you are grateful for. Be specific or general, but genuine)

7. I am grateful for my wonderful life!
8. I am grateful for my excellent health!
9. I am grateful for my constant growth!
Sponsee looks in the mirror and address themselves by first name or loving nickname:)

10. I love you, (your name)! I really, really love you and I accept you just the way you are!
11. I love your … (any physical attribute you genuinely love about yourself)
12. I love your … (any non-physical attribute you genuinely love about yourself)
Ideally, looking at childhood photo (or imagining ourselves as a child) with comforting words, hugs or caresses, such as:)

13. Dear sweet little (your name), you are in lots of pain…
14. I understand how much it hurts when…
15. It was scary when… etc., etc.

Saying it out loud and writing it out is very therapeutic.
Please, do not copy-and-paste as that is not therapeutic, but just waste of time.

Also, these are to be done whenever we feel lonely or unloved or we miss or wish to contact object of our addiction, etc.

11. RECOMMENDED LITERATURE and also videos available on YouTube:

Susan Peabody: "Addiction to Love"
Howard Halpern: "How to Break Your Addiction to a Person"
Pia Mellody: all books
Melodie Beattie: all books
John Bradshaw: all books
Louise Hay: all books
John Gray: all books
Teal Swan: all books
Gary D. Chapman: "The Five Love Languages"
Arthur Janov: "Primal Scream", all books
Joan Liedloff: Continuum Concept

Even though some literature is gender specific,
they are often applicable to any gender.

Sherry Argov: "Why Men Love Bitches", "Why Men Marry Bitches"
Greg Behrendt & Liz Tuccillo: "He's Just Not That Into You"
Ellen Fein & Sherrie Schneider: "The Rules" (all books)
Robin Norwood: “Women Who Love Too Much"