1. Meditation - Get quiet and listen to your Higher Power through your feelings and intuition.
2. Prayer - Talk to your Higher Power (out loud or in your head) as if you were talking to a
close, personal friend.
3. Humility - You accept
that there is a power higher then yourself and you are humbled by it.
4. Study - Read, write, learn, listen.
5. Simplicity - Slow down. Experience and appreciate the simple things in life:
nature, music, friends.
6. Solitude - Take some time to be alone and listen to your own inner music.
7. Submission - Surrender everything to your Higher Power, as you understand it.
8. Service - Reach out to people in need and give of yourself and your resources.
9. Confession - Find someone you can trust and confide your deepest, darkest secrets to them. Release the shame.
10. Worship - Be in awe of your Higher Power. Bow your head - metaphorically or literally.
Be thankful for the grace that has been freely given to you.
11. Celebration - Be grateful! Raise your hands in joy and celebration. Sing, dance and be merry.
12. Guidance - Work with a mentor who is in constant contact with his Higher Power.
- adapted from LAA website by Susan Peabody